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December 6, 2017
Should I buy a practice or start one from scratch?

While both options have merit, they also have their downsides.


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The Grind

More episodes of The Grind are now available at oasisdiscussions.ca/category/thegrind You can now subscribe to The Grind on iTunes or other popular podcasting apps for new episodes.

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Call to Action

A Call for Oral Health Practitioners with Background in Clinical Research

CDA Oasis is looking for oral health practitioners with background in clinical research. We are seeking your insights on doing clinical research while practicing dentistry. We are interested in learning about your experiences; in particular:
  • How did the idea to do research start?
  • What led you to finding a vision of integrating research within your role as a clinical dentist?
  • What did you need to learn/know to enable you to do the research?
  • What are the steps you took to do the research: Did you partner with another clinician/academician? Did you do the research on your own? How did you put the research plan into action?

We would love to speak with you and we welcome your thoughts, ideas, tips, and experiences. We intend to use this valuable information to develop multimedia content that will help other clinicians plan and implement their own research projects.

Please contact us at oasisdiscussions@cda-adc.ca or toll free 1 855-716-2747. We look forward to hearing from you.

CDA Oasis Team

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Annulation d'abonnement au Bulletin ADC Oasis.

Avis de non-responsabilité : Le système CDA Oasis sert à aider à la prise de décision clinique, mais ne se substitue en rien à une consultation médicale, à un diagnostic ou à un traitement. Il se veut une source d'information initiale à portée de la main, mais ne constitue pas une référence exhaustive. Les collaborateurs assument l'entière responsabilité de leurs opinions et des faits dont ils font état et ceux-ci n'expriment pas nécessairement les vues de l'Association dentaire canadienne. Le rédacteur en chef se réserve le droit de corriger les textes soumis pour publication dans le CDA. La publication d'une annonce commerciale ne signifie pas nécessairement que l'Association dentaire canadienne en appuie ou en endosse le contenu. En outre, l'Association dentaire canadienne ne peut être tenue responsable des erreurs de texte ou de traduction.