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For Authors Continuing Education
Vol. 71, No. 8
ISSN: 1488-2159
September 2005


Unilateral Posterior Crossbite with Mandibular Shift: A Review


• David B. Kennedy, BDS, LDS, MSD,FRCD(C) •
• Matthew Osepchook, BSc, DDS •

A b s t r a c t

Based on this literature review, early orthodontic treatment of unilateral posterior crossbites with mandibular shifts is recommended. Treatment success is high if it is started early.

Evidence that crossbites are not self-correcting, have some association with temporomandibular disorders and cause skeletal, dental and muscle adaptation provides further rationale for early treatment. It can be difficult to treat unilateral crossbites in adults without a combination of orthodontics and surgery. The most appropriate timing of treatment occurs when the patient is in the late deciduous or early mixed dentition stage as expansion modalities are very successful in this age group and permanent incisors are given more space as a result of the expansion.

Treatment of unilateral posterior crossbites generally involves symmetric expansion of the maxillary arch, removal of selective occlusal interferences and elimination of the mandibular functional shift. The general practitioner and pediatric dentist must be able to diagnose unilateral posterior crossbites successfully and provide treatment or referral to take advantage of the benefits of early treatment.


MeSH Key Words: malocclusion/diagnosis; malocclusion/therapy; orthodontic appliance design; palatal expansion techniques/instrumentation
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