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For Authors Continuing Education
Vol. 75, No. 7
ISSN: 1488-2159
September 2009

Table of Contents

Calling All Readers
What would you like to see in future editions of JCDA?

I’d like to know what you think should be covered in the pages of your national dental journal.

Can you suggest a clinical question that you would like to have answered? What oral health topic(s) do you have a strong opinion about? Can you suggest any people or projects in your community whose story should be shared with your national colleagues?

Please submit your ideas. Thank you for working with me to make JCDA a true reflection of the interests and needs of our profession.

John P. O'Keefe


485 Editorial
487 President's Column
Don A. Friedlander, BSc, DDS
509 Clinical Showcase - Replacement of Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisor Using a Metal-Free, Resin-Bonded Fixed Partial Denture: Case Report
Umut Cakan, DDS, PhD
Burak Demiralp, DDS, PhD
Muge Aksu, DDS, PhD
Tulin Taner, DDS, PhD

513 Recommendations for Antibiotics in Patients with Joint Prosthesis Are Irresponsible and Indefensible
Andrew M. Morris, MD, SM (Epi), FRCPC
Sandra Howie, BSP, ACPR, PharmD
517 Time to Improve Access to Oral Health Care for Persons with Special Needs
Alison Sigal, BH Kin

521 Functional and Psychosocial Impacts of Oral Disorders in Canadian Adults: A National Population Survey
David Locker, BDS, PhD, DSc
Carlos Quiñonez, DDS, MSc

523 Oral Herpes Simplex Virus Infection in Pregnancy: What Are the Concerns?
Giuseppe Ficarra, MD
Catalena Birek, DDS, PhD, FRCD(C)
527 Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome — Dental Implications
Paulo Sérgio da Silva Santos, DDS, MD
Karin Sá Fernandes, DDS
Marina Helena Magalhães, DDS, PhD
533 Oral Manifestations of Vitamin B12 Deficiency: A Case Report
Hélder Antônio Rebelo Pontes, DDS, MSc, PhD
Nicolau Conte Neto, DDS
Karen Bechara Ferreira, DDS
Felipe Paiva Fonseca,
Gizelle Monteiro Vallinoto,
Flávia Sirotheau Corrêa Pontes, DDS, MSc, PhD
Décio dos Santos DDS, MSc, PhD, Pinto Jr

JCDA Bookmarks

The following websites are mentioned in the News & Updates section of the print JCDA.

JCDA does not endorse the content, information or views expressed by the external organizations and institutions listed above, nor does JCDA control, or is responsible for, the content or information provided on these websites.

This edition of the JCDA has been very generously supported by 3M ESPE, A-dec, Business Development Bank of Canada, CDSPI, Canadian Health, Carestream Health, Colgate-Palmolive, GlaxoSmithKline, ITRANS, Ivoclar Vivadent, P&G Professional Oral Health, Quantum, Royal Bank of Canada, Sunstar, University of Victoria, Vident, VOCO and Wiley-Blackwell.
I thank them sincerely for this support.
Dr. John P. O'Keefe

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