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For Authors Continuing Education
Vol. 70, No. 11
ISSN: 1488-2159
December 2004


Mandibular Third Molar Autotransplantation — Literature Review with Clinical Cases


• Rui Amaral Mendes, DMD •
• Germano Rocha, DMD, PhD •

A b s t r a c t

Autotransplantation of mandibular third molars in a precocious phase of development is indicated when a substitute for adjacent compromised or missing molars is needed, and when mesial movements of the posterior teeth, the resultant loss of space, and overeruption of opposing teeth and consequent changes in the occlusion must be avoided.

Provided that the apices of the mandibular third molar are immature, the immediate replacement of a lost or compromised tooth usually ensures a good outcome. Transplantation of third molars helps to maintain alveolar bone and enables endosseous implantation without requiring bone regeneration.

We present examples of transplantation of mandibular third molars and review the factors that affect the success or failure of this procedure, such as atraumatic extraction and adequate immobilization of the transplanted tooth and root development after transplantation. Sex or age seem to have no effect on the final outcome.


MeSH Key Words: molar, third; tooth/transplantation; tooth loss/surgery
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