Volume 10 • 2023 • Issue 2

sure to encourage people to take breaks, go to lunch and leave at a reasonable time. Everyone needs time to switch off and re-energize, including hardworking managers! • Communicating with your team. The only way to effectively monitor workloads, identify emerging professional and personal issues and offer constructive guidance is to have regular team and individual meetings. Staying connected to each and every person on your team also sends the message that you are invested in both their professional career and personal well-being. • Including employees in decision-making and problem-solving. Having some control over issues that directly affect them will reduce stress and increase engagement and morale. This can include face-to-face or group meetings, surveys, and forums. • Understanding mental illnesses. The more you know about mental illness, the more you are able to detect their early warning signs. While your job is not to diagnose or counsel, you can listen, be understanding, and direct employees to CDSPI’s Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) or other resources for professional help. If an employee has been diagnosed with depression, anxiety or any other mental disorder, be sure your team sees you treat it like any other illness. • Being a role model. Model the behaviour you want to see in your team. Treat people with kindness and respect, try to be fair and equitable, communicate openly and be quick to eliminate negative behaviours. Mental health issues are a growing concern for organizations. It is important to focus on prevention and to deal with any mental illness early – just as maintaining good physical health is promoted in the workplace. Both business owners and employees need to take the time to learn about mental health, eliminate the stigma that often surrounds it and, together, develop workplace strategies that support healthy work environments. 41 Issue 2 | 2023 | SupportingYour Practice Dentists protect oral health. CDA SECURESEND protects patient data. Mobile App As easy as email. Live support at 1-866-788-1212. Secure and confidential. Share files with dentists, labs, specialists and patients. Save on your bottom line. Free with provincial dental association and affiliate CDA membership. DOWNLOAD NOW!