Volume 10 • 2023 • Issue 1

CDAnet Standard 2.4 to Retire in 2024 Version 2.4 of the Message Formats and Standards for Electronic Dental Claims for CDAnet & Réseau ACDQ, also known as the CDAnet Standards, will be retired effective February 1, 2024. Published in 1990, the CDAnet Standard 2.4 has made it possible to transmit dental benefit claims electronically. The version was the start of significant changes that paved the way to today’s version 4.2. Claims processors primarily use CDAnet Standard version 4.2 to process claims. Therefore, only a limited number of claims processors will be required to upgrade their systems before the February 2024 deadline. As the claims processors upgrade their systems, dental offices will need to configure their practice management software to send claims using only version 4.2. “We are excited for the changes that retiring version 2.4 will bring to claims processing in Canada for all the CDAnet community (dentists, claims processors, vendors, denturists and hygienists, etc.) and the Réseau ACDQ community (dentists in Quebec, vendors, claims processors, etc.),” says Donna Cunningham, CDA Practice Support Services advisor. The additional benefits of version 4.2 include: Save time and money Dental software vendors will no longer need to develop software for both versions. Claims processors will have fewer variables to account for when developing their systems. Increase coordination of benefits claims Retiring version 2.4 simplifies a number of aspects related to coordination of benefits (COB). With dental offices having version 4.2 configured for all claims processors, opportunities to send a COB will not be missed. Many claims processor systems cannot currently accept version 2.4 explanation of benefits (EOB) in a COB claim, but this limitation was resolved in version 4.2. Dental offices will be able to send more COB claims for their patients, increasing claims for existing COB claims processors, and claims processors who invest in adding the COB transaction will also see a quicker return on investment. More opportunity for attachment transactions Claims processors upgrading to version 4.2 will have the opportunity to accept the CDAnet Attachment message for their members. This will increase efficiencies for both the dental office and the claims processor. Data accuracy All claims traffic will be in version 4.2. Dental practice management software will have updated claims processor information, which will result in claim messages and claim responses no longer requiring any version translation. Streamlined support Networks and insurance carriers will only need to support version 4.2 systems and processes. CDA and the ACDQ will be working with the CDAnet community to ensure a smooth transition to the new version. More communications will be provided as new information becomes available. 13 Issue 1 | 2023 | CDA atWork