Table 1 Number of students enrolled in Canadian dental schools (fall 2000)

University 4th year  3rd year 2nd year 1st year 1st-year qualifying program   2nd-year qualifying program
Dalhousie  35  35  32 32  8 5
Laval 48  38  50  46 -  -
Montreala  81  79 83  85  -  3
McGill 29 31 30 29  - -
Toronto 79 70 70 72 20 20
Western 46 52 53 53 12 10
 Manitoba 22  26 23 26  -  -
Saskatchewanb 22 17 49 26  - -
Alberta  31 35  32 32  -   -
British Columbia 37 44 39 40 8  6
Totals: 430 427 461 441 48 44

 Source: University administration offices. Totals may not represent actual number of graduates per year.
a 2nd year was closed to allow for 1st-year pre-dental program. Pre-dental students are included in 1st-year figure.
b 2nd- and 3rd-year students graduate together in 2003. The 2nd-year figure represents the combined classes.