Volume 10 • 2023 • Issue 3

Invisalign Smile Architect™ is a first-of-its-kind smile-design software integrated with ClinCheck that allows for ortho-restorative treatment planning in a single platform. Learnmore: invisalign.ca/smilearchitect ©2023 Align Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Invisalign, the Invisalign logo, SmartTrack, SmartForce, SmartStage, among others, are trademarks and/or servicemarks of Align Technology, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies andmay be registered in the U.S. and/or other countries. | A010805-Rev-A Invisalign Smile Architect™ is not intended to recommend any restorative treatment or replace the need for dental CAD software to complete restoration design and fabrication. Any restorative steps subsequent to the Invisalign driven toothmovement are completed by the doctor independent to ClinCheck and Invisalign. Invisalign Smile Architect™ planning filesmade available through case export functionality are not intended for direct fabrication. The future of ortho-restorative care is here. Invisalign Smile Architect treatment planning software. TM Exclusively available in ClinCheck® Pro 6.0 software